Thursday, October 25, 2018

Science 83 - Audio nerve legal system COMA


explains  key word concepts --> 

 Audio nerve legal system ....  COMA

Ear people, Mouth talk people,  and Music people secrets ... audio nerve people and their legal systems

Hearing (law) - Wikipedia
    In law, a hearing is a proceeding before a court or other decision-making body or officer, such as a government agency or a Parliamentary committee. A hearing is generally distinguished from a trial in that it is usually shorter and often less formal. In the course of litigation, hearings are conducted as oral arguments in ...

    Hearing legal definition of hearing
      Hearing. A legal proceeding where an issue of law or fact is tried and evidence is presented to help determine the issue. Hearings resemble trials in that they ordinarily are held publicly and involve opposing parties. They differ from trials in that they feature more relaxed standards of evidence and procedure, and take place ...

      Hearing (law) - Wikipedia
        In law, a hearing is a proceeding before
        a harmonic sound wave  court
        or other  audio nerve decision-making body or officer
        , such as a government agency or a Parliamentary committee. A hearing is generally distinguished from a trial in that it is usually shorter and often less formal. In the course of litigation, hearings are conducted as oral arguments in ...

        Hearing legal definition of hearing
          Hearing. A legal proceeding where an issue of law or fact is tried and evidence is presented to help determine the issue. Hearings resemble trials in that they ordinarily are held publicly and involve opposing parties. They differ from trials in that they feature more relaxed standards of evidence and procedure, and take place ...

          Getting Ready for a Court Hearing or  MUSIC Trial - Washington Law Help

          Call your county Lawyer Referral Service, if available, for a referral, or look in the yellow pages under "Attorneys" where they list lawyers by areas of law. Ask friends or relatives about experiences they have had with particular lawyers. Another cheaper possibility is to meet with a lawyer just to talk about your hearing or trial ...

          Hearing | law |

          Hearing: Hearing, in law, a trial. More specifically, a hearing is the formal examination of a cause, civil or criminal, before a judge according to the laws of a particular.code word  herd -->

          code word--> herd --> Carl Jung collective group 

          code words--> Corp radio--> Corpse radio 

          --> the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE coffin  at Roselawn cemetery in Tallahassee ...... using  the  Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration  .....  sin wave  signaling systems  .....

          of the
          Paul Dirac atomic electron orbitals and their .....
          .............. ac --> alternating cycle OUTPUT signals

          Nikola Tesla's Earth  quake ...   qua + key

          -->   quantum key signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle

            Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground
            deposits of oil or
            information deposits of atomic orbitals
            in data containers / coffins.

            A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as ......

            Paul Dirac in his underground .....  atomic QUANTUM  office
            at Florida State University |

            In Collections. Paul A.M. Dirac Collection. This service is a partnership between Florida Virtual Campus and The Florida State University Libraries. All Rights Reserved. Contact us with Questions or Comments | Research Repository Legal Agreements.

            code words--> July 7 --> Nitrogen 7 attacks 

            code words--> he knew two 
            --> heme group Fe(2)  ...blood software

            code --> 56--> blood iron-56 isotope problems at Illinois Route 56 at
            Fe   --> ferrous oxide iron at
            Fe = FermiLAB
            atomic bio-physics  self-awareness TEST site for BS
            code words --> 56 and four --> four iron atoms in hemoglobin SOFTWARE

            Hemoglobin, The Oxygen-carrying Protein In Red Blo... |

   › study › science › chemistry › chemistry questions and answers
              Rating: 100% - ‎1 vote
              Hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying protein in red blood cells,
              has four iron atoms per molecule and contains 0.340 percent iron by mass.

              End  explanation 

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