explains key word concepts -->
Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of
Catalina Garcia
opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
Let’s look at another blog that cover more ……
RD-blog-number-6977 by Herb Zinser reviews the Salvador Dali INTELLECTUAL wars on EARTH and EARTH geography sand regions ……
and the consequence of communication failure by ordinary citizens and communities CAUSES
Nature’s systems to create tragic signaling EVENTS ….. that result in additional databases ….. that may help solve the communication problems caused by the community and YOUR human arrogance and superior knowledge attitude.
Let’s look at several Salvador Dali messages …. starting with the Cole Hall signal.
RD-blog-number-6977 by Herb Zinser reviews the Salvador Dali INTELLECTUAL wars on EARTH and EARTH geography sand regions ……
and the consequence of communication failure by ordinary citizens and communities CAUSES
Nature’s systems to create tragic signaling EVENTS ….. that result in additional databases ….. that may help solve the communication problems caused by the community and YOUR human arrogance and superior knowledge attitude.
Let’s look at several Salvador Dali messages …. starting with the Cole Hall signal.
First ….. Salvador Dali ….
Salvador Dali in Figueres Spain The artist in his home
Dalí was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking and bizarre images in his surrealist work. His painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters.[1][2] His best-known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in August 1931. Dalí’s expansive artistic repertoire included film, sculpture, and photography, in collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media.
The place in which the Dalinian project was to be located, as a specific wish of …. Since Salvador Dalí death in 1989, the crypt where he is buried can also be …
The Dalí Theatre and Museum, is a museum of the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
SYMBOL MACHINE codes ….. facing the geography NORTH POLE …. a sailor on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic ocean ……….
to his RIGHT is Europe and England …. book written by Lewis Carroll
To his LEFT is code –> Lewis –> Le + wis –> Left is the state Wisconsin
The North American Version of Alice ….
Wisconsin Identifiers …..
One of the most recognizable spokespersons of Wisconsin agriculture, Alice in Dairyland is a public relations professional working for the Wisconsin Department …
Below, the geography state of Wisconsin is the State of Illinois .......
the crypt of Northern Illinois
also represents …… the border line between 2 different dimensions of earthly existence…….. physical existence and/or different formats and/ or different information data spaces.etc.
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the border line …….

DALI Theatre –> Da Li –> Data Language interface with
DA = Differential amplifier …. Dali approved brain circuits ….. that THINK outside of the BOX.
Below, 1/2 of the Dali differential amplifier BRAIN …… SYMBOL and CONCEPT implants into your brain ……. and your thoughts and efforts with math and science college textbooks … over 40 years …. provide the other half
The Dalí Theatre and Museum, is a museum of the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
a crypt below the stage.
a crypt below the stage.
a crypt below the stage ….. message from DeKalb, Illinois.
he went to the auditorium, where he entered at the extreme southwest corner of the room. This led directly to the stage in front of the classroom;
This led directly to the stage
This led directly to the stage
This led directly to the stage
This led directly to the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage …. below the Cole Hall building stage is the auditorium with seats …with students ….
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage .. implies / suggests………
information pointer —> a student EXISTS in the audience with Spanish Language heritage SECRET subroutines …. ….. Spanish unconscious and subconsious MIND CODES and ancient INSTRUCTIONS …… Spanish language SPECIES ….. like Salvador Dali.
The Dalí Theatre … artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres,
…… in Catalonia, Spain.
in Catalonia, Spain.
in Catalonia, Spain.
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figueres,
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figures, shapes with math and accounting figures,
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage .
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figueres,
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figueres,
in Catal …..
in Catalina Garcia ….. INTERNAL bio-computer processor with data sets
in Catalina Garcia
in Catalina Garcia
…………………cia agent for the Spanish language …….
and its BRAIN data manipulation SECRETS … with
Gayle Dubowski ..Carol Stream, Illinois ………..
………………………….. Stream Ill noise …..
…………Streams of consciousness filled with noise and dribble VALUES
Notice, the inverted question mark?
Notice, the upside picture ….. of many playing cards ..poker, gin rummy, etc
Bridge is played with four people sitting at a card table using a standard deck of 52 … Chicago, limited to four deals, is a faster rubber bridge game popular in …
Bridge is played with four people sitting at a card table using a standard deck of 52 … Chicago, limited to four deals, is a faster rubber bridge game popular in ..
Daniel Parmenter –> Da Parm –> Data Parameters ..enter ..
entertainment industry rackets to enter the conscious MIND of math and science students and professors
and bring them down into the subconscious levels in the human body.brain ….
for the Spanish people, music people and others to use and claim credit for …. without the consent of Nature’s systems analysts … that can explain the protocol rules for such processes.
in Catalina Garcia
in Catalina Garcia
…………………cia agent for the Spanish language …….
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus is the name of a painting by artist Salvador Dalí, begun in 1958 and finished in 1959. It is over 14 feet tall …
At this time, some Catalan historians were claiming that Columbus was actually from Catalonia, not Italy, making the discovery all the more relevant for Dalí, who was also from this region of Spain.
some Catalan historians were claiming that Columbus
some Catalan historians were claiming that Columbus
some Catal….historians ……………….. Col ….
some Catal….historians ……………….. Col ….
some Catalina Garcia …. bio-historians ….. Cole Hall ….
Gayle Dubowski, 20, an anthropology major from Carol Stream;
Catalina Garcia, 20, an elementary education major from Cicero;
anthropology major from Carol Stream;
Catalina Garcia, 20, an elementary education major from Cicero;
The eponymous painting deals with Christopher Columbus‘s first landing in the New World; it depicts the event metaphorically rather than aiming at historical accuracy. Columbus is depicted not as a middle-aged mariner, but as an adolescent boy in a classical robe to symbolize America as a young continent with its best years ahead of it.
Dalí, in a period of intense interest in Roman Catholic mysticism at the time, symbolically portrayed Columbus bringing Christianity and the true church to a new world as a great and holy accomplishment.
Gala Dalí, the painter’s wife, whom he often depicted as the Virgin Mary, poses the for role of The Blessed Virgin (or according to some commentators Saint Helena) on the banner in the right hand of Columbus. She appears as a Saint, suggesting that she is Dalí’s muse and that she is responsible for his own, “Discovery of America”.
Dalí painted himself in the background as a kneeling monk holding a crucifix. Dalí’s belief that Columbus was Catalonian is represented by the incorporation of the old Catalonian flag.
anthropology major from Carol …. Stream of consciousness and awareness ;
Catalina and Catalina Garcia, 20, an elementary education major from Cicero;
Santa Catalina School’s iconic front door in The Hacienda, part if the original buildings.
Salvador Dali lived on the property before it became a school in 1950.
from Cicero;
from Cicero;
from Cicero;
from Cicero …………
rediscovery of Cicero’s letters
rediscovery of Cicero’s letters
rediscovery of Cicero’s letters ……
credited for initiating the 14th-century
credited for initiating the 14th-century
credited for initiating the 14th-century –> February 14, 2007 Valentine Day letter for Cicero, Illinois
It was during his consulship that the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy attempted to overthrow the government through an attack on the city by outside forces, and Cicero suppressed the revolt by executing five conspirators without due process.
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
The source domain …. SYMBOL and CONCEPT world of SYMBOL LIFE in the subconscious …and the conflict at that INTERNAL level ……. gets transformed into EXTERNAL information display format ……… to provide visibile data CLUES to conscious brain engineers and social policy engineers …… Nature’s feedback control system.
by executing five conspirators without due process.
by executing five conspirators without due process.
by executing five conspirators without due process.
executing five conspirators
executing five conspirators
executing five conspirators …………VIA the Polish heritage agent …. Steven K
( Pole ..Polish American implies/suggests
–> pol –> Political systems
..in this case at some level of the subconscious
….. the stages or hierarchy of deeper thoughts .. levels / stages )
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy under the
auspices / leadership of Catalina Garcia from Cicero
messages for superior Latino BIG SHOT thinkers
and their bitching …..
complain to your peers in Spanish Language
supremacy thinking
The project was initiated in September 2013 to create a ten-room, two-story classroom addition to the Cicero, Illinois, campus. The new building has been …
executing five conspirators
executing five conspirators
The Darwin selection of the POLE heritage agent .. included the heritage of the Polish language semantics/ definitions /proccesses of Korzybski
Let’s look at another blog post that covers more ….
Carmen Ortiz, and the United States Navy
Adjective. (comparative more bombastic, superlative most bombastic) (of a person, their language or writing) showy in speech and given to using flowery or elaborate terms; grandiloquent; pompous. High-sounding but with little meaning. (archaic) Inflated, overfilled.
bombastic. An awsome word meaning outragiouse, and meaningless speech….
This word is often used between Ty and Anne when quoting the infamous Billie …
Jun 5, 2013 – Words have incredible power—
like a bomb exploding
On April 15, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three spectators and wounding more than 260 other people. Four days …
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage …….. .
Salvador Dali in Figueres Spain The artist in his home
Salvador Dalí – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marqués de Dalí de Pubol (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989), known as Salvador Dalí (Catalan: [səɫβəˈðo ðəˈɫi]; Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ ðaˈli]), was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain.Dalí was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking and bizarre images in his surrealist work. His painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters.[1][2] His best-known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in August 1931. Dalí’s expansive artistic repertoire included film, sculpture, and photography, in collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media.
Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.
Dalí Theatre-Museum. History | Gala – Salvador Dali …
Gala‑Salvador Dali Foundation
The Dalí Theatre and Museum, is a museum of the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
SYMBOL MACHINE codes ….. facing the geography NORTH POLE …. a sailor on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic ocean ……….
to his RIGHT is Europe and England …. book written by Lewis Carroll
To his LEFT is code –> Lewis –> Le + wis –> Left is the state Wisconsin
The North American Version of Alice ….
Wisconsin Identifiers …..
WI DATCP: Alice in Dairyland
the crypt of Northern Illinois
WISCONSIN – Alice in Dairyland
WISCONSIN – Alice in Da i …land
WISCONSIN – Alice in Data interface land (Earth Languages)
The border line …between 2 different geography states …also represents …… the border line between 2 different dimensions of earthly existence…….. physical existence and/or different formats and/ or different information data spaces.etc.
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the border line …….
DALI Theatre –> Da Li –> Data Language interface with
DA = Differential amplifier …. Dali approved brain circuits ….. that THINK outside of the BOX.
Below, 1/2 of the Dali differential amplifier BRAIN …… SYMBOL and CONCEPT implants into your brain ……. and your thoughts and efforts with math and science college textbooks … over 40 years …. provide the other half
The Dalí Theatre and Museum, is a museum of the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
a crypt below the stage.
a crypt below the stage.
a crypt below the stage ….. message from DeKalb, Illinois.
he went to the auditorium, where he entered at the extreme southwest corner of the room. This led directly to the stage in front of the classroom;
This led directly to the stage
This led directly to the stage
This led directly to the stage
This led directly to the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage …. below the Cole Hall building stage is the auditorium with seats …with students ….
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage .. implies / suggests………
information pointer —> a student EXISTS in the audience with Spanish Language heritage SECRET subroutines …. ….. Spanish unconscious and subconsious MIND CODES and ancient INSTRUCTIONS …… Spanish language SPECIES ….. like Salvador Dali.
The Dalí Theatre … artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres,
…… in Catalonia, Spain.
in Catalonia, Spain.
in Catalonia, Spain.
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figueres,
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figures, shapes with math and accounting figures,
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage
a crypt below the stage .
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figueres,
in Catalonia, Spain …… town of Figueres,
in Catal …..
in Catalina Garcia ….. INTERNAL bio-computer processor with data sets
in Catalina Garcia
in Catalina Garcia
…………………cia agent for the Spanish language …….
and its BRAIN data manipulation SECRETS … with
Gayle Dubowski ..Carol Stream, Illinois ………..
………………………….. Stream Ill noise …..
…………Streams of consciousness filled with noise and dribble VALUES
Notice, the inverted question mark?
Notice, the upside picture ….. of many playing cards ..poker, gin rummy, etc
How to Play Bridge | American Contract Bridge League
American Contract Bridge League
How to Play Bridge with Mayor Daley from Brigeport
Chicago STYLE …secrets of brain mechanics and information transfer systems
| American Contract Bridge League
American Contract Bridge League
Daniel Parmenter –> Da Parm –> Data Parameters ..enter ..
entertainment industry rackets to enter the conscious MIND of math and science students and professors
and bring them down into the subconscious levels in the human body.brain ….
for the Spanish people, music people and others to use and claim credit for …. without the consent of Nature’s systems analysts … that can explain the protocol rules for such processes.
in Catalina Garcia
in Catalina Garcia
…………………cia agent for the Spanish language …….
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus …
At this time, some Catalan historians were claiming that Columbus was actually from Catalonia, not Italy, making the discovery all the more relevant for Dalí, who was also from this region of Spain.
some Catalan historians were claiming that Columbus
some Catalan historians were claiming that Columbus
some Catal….historians ……………….. Col ….
some Catal….historians ……………….. Col ….
some Catalina Garcia …. bio-historians ….. Cole Hall ….
Gayle Dubowski, 20, an anthropology major from Carol Stream;
Catalina Garcia, 20, an elementary education major from Cicero;
anthropology major from Carol Stream;
Catalina Garcia, 20, an elementary education major from Cicero;
The eponymous painting deals with Christopher Columbus‘s first landing in the New World; it depicts the event metaphorically rather than aiming at historical accuracy. Columbus is depicted not as a middle-aged mariner, but as an adolescent boy in a classical robe to symbolize America as a young continent with its best years ahead of it.
Dalí, in a period of intense interest in Roman Catholic mysticism at the time, symbolically portrayed Columbus bringing Christianity and the true church to a new world as a great and holy accomplishment.
Gala Dalí, the painter’s wife, whom he often depicted as the Virgin Mary, poses the for role of The Blessed Virgin (or according to some commentators Saint Helena) on the banner in the right hand of Columbus. She appears as a Saint, suggesting that she is Dalí’s muse and that she is responsible for his own, “Discovery of America”.
Dalí painted himself in the background as a kneeling monk holding a crucifix. Dalí’s belief that Columbus was Catalonian is represented by the incorporation of the old Catalonian flag.
anthropology major from Carol …. Stream of consciousness and awareness ;
Catalina and Catalina Garcia, 20, an elementary education major from Cicero;
Santa Catalina School’s iconic front door in The Hacienda, part if the original buildings.
Salvador Dali lived on the property before it became a school in 1950.
from Cicero;
from Cicero;
from Cicero;
from Cicero …………
Cicero – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marcus Tullius Cicero[n 1] (/ˈsɪsɨroʊ/; Classical Latin: [ˈmaːr.kʊs ˈtʊl.li.ʊs ˈkɪ.kɛ.roː]; Greek: Κικέρων, Kikerōn; 3 January 106 BC – 7 December 43 BC) was a Romanphilosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul and constitutionalist. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order, and is widely considered one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists.[2][3]
His influence on the Latin language was so immense that the subsequent history of prose in not only Latin but European languages up to the 19th century was said to be either a reaction against or a return to his style.[4] According to Michael Grant, “the influence of Cicero upon the history of European literature and ideas greatly exceeds that of any other prose writer in any language”.[5] Cicero introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary (with neologisms such as humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia)[6] distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher.
Petrarch‘s rediscovery of Cicero’s letters is often credited for initiating the 14th-century
His influence on the Latin language was so immense that the subsequent history of prose in not only Latin but European languages up to the 19th century was said to be either a reaction against or a return to his style.[4] According to Michael Grant, “the influence of Cicero upon the history of European literature and ideas greatly exceeds that of any other prose writer in any language”.[5] Cicero introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary (with neologisms such as humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia)[6] distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher.
Petrarch‘s rediscovery of Cicero’s letters is often credited for initiating the 14th-century
rediscovery of Cicero’s letters
rediscovery of Cicero’s letters
rediscovery of Cicero’s letters ……
credited for initiating the 14th-century
credited for initiating the 14th-century
credited for initiating the 14th-century –> February 14, 2007 Valentine Day letter for Cicero, Illinois
It was during his consulship that the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy attempted to overthrow the government through an attack on the city by outside forces, and Cicero suppressed the revolt by executing five conspirators without due process.
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
The source domain …. SYMBOL and CONCEPT world of SYMBOL LIFE in the subconscious …and the conflict at that INTERNAL level ……. gets transformed into EXTERNAL information display format ……… to provide visibile data CLUES to conscious brain engineers and social policy engineers …… Nature’s feedback control system.
by executing five conspirators without due process.
by executing five conspirators without due process.
by executing five conspirators without due process.
executing five conspirators
executing five conspirators
executing five conspirators …………VIA the Polish heritage agent …. Steven K
( Pole ..Polish American implies/suggests
–> pol –> Political systems
..in this case at some level of the subconscious
….. the stages or hierarchy of deeper thoughts .. levels / stages )
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy
the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy under the
auspices / leadership of Catalina Garcia from Cicero
Welcome to The Town of Cicero …
SYMBOL LIFE home of ancient Cicero of the Latin language ……messages for superior Latino BIG SHOT thinkers
and their bitching …..
complain to your peers in Spanish Language
supremacy thinking
.. who fail the spanned data record
….. human bio-computer requirements …. spanned data LINKS …..
needed by the INTERNAL Spanish bio-language for a more
accurate Spanish language PERCEPTION of the EXTERNAL world.Thus society needs an upgrade in the subconscious MIND communications theory and applications ……
with Chicago and…. Carmen Ortiz and the Boston newspapers
executing five conspirators
executing five conspirators
The Darwin selection of the POLE heritage agent .. included the heritage of the Polish language semantics/ definitions /proccesses of Korzybski
Let’s look at another blog post that covers more ….
Salvador Dali, the El Salvador Contra, Oliver NORTH
the Spanish SECRET heritage, Boston,
Carmen Ortiz, and the United States NavyRd-blog-number-6636 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s expression systems trial in Boston regarding Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE data generating EVENT known as the Boston Marathon bombing TRIAL of bombastic Boston.
adjective: bombastic
- high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.“bombastic rhetoric”
synonyms: pompous, blustering, turgid, verbose, orotund, high-flown, high-sounding, overwrought, pretentious, ostentatious, grandiloquent; More
informalhighfalutin, puffed up;rarefustian“his bombastic speeches could send thousands into the streets”
Bombastic dictionary definition | bombastic defined
Urban Dictionary: bombastic
Urban Dictionary
This word is often used between Ty and Anne when quoting the infamous Billie
The Power of Words: Transform Your Vocabulary, Transform …
Words have incredible power—
Words have incredible power—
Words have incredible power—
means almost the same as fantastic but better, like a bomb exploding
The sex i had with Britney was bombastic! mmmm…
by Crystal May 01, 2004
means almost the same as fantastic but better, like a bomb exploding
means almost the same as fantastic but better,
like a bomb exploding
like a bomb exploding
like a bomb exploding
like a bomb exploding ….
Boston Marathon Bombings – Facts & Summary –
HISTORY of ENGLISH LANGUAGE military words …. Bombastic POWER …
In addition to the living language and its MILITARY action words that can be implanted into programmable human bio-computers ……
we have the alliance with Salvador Dali and his BRAIN MAPS and his Universal MIND partial maps …that are parallel to the EARTH geography maps of El Salvador.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Dalí Theatre and Museum – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Dalí Theatre and Museum, is a museum of the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Dali is buried there in a crypt below the stage.
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt ….. town of Figueres
–> town of math and accounting figures
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt ……………............................................................................................
Key West is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent, at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys. The island is about 90 miles (140 km) …
Sarasota architect Tim Siebert designed the main building and beach cottages, dark … With Far Horizons under construction, Field
Tsarnaev message on Water … boat
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus is the name of a painting by artist Salvador Dalí, begun in 1958 and finished in 1959. It is over 14 feet tall …
Isaac Newton gravity field city …. New York ..near the Yorktown shopping center in Oak Brook Illinois ,
Modern (atomic bio-physics expresssion ) Arteries Museum in Batavia Illinois
Find What Speaks to You with Worldly Inspired Home Décor, Wall Art, Furniture, Gifts, and Much More from Pier 1 Imports.
THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES of your alter egos constitute the. Level I …. Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhard; Scientific American, May 1984; and “The Self-Re-.
life of this person has been identical to yours in every respect. But perhaps he or … Is there a copy of you. Not just a … THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES of your alter egos constitute the. Level I … Another possibility is that space is infinite but matter is con- fined to a …. Steinhard; Scientific American, May 1984; and “The Self-Re-.
Is there a copy of you
Is there a copy of FermiLAB and Wilson HALL ……
Ferguson Missouri with Darren Wilson and the
Brownian Motion particle named –> Michael Brown
Nov 1, 2013 – Salvador Dali’s “Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man” (1943) – Men Who Were Not Born from the Mother’s Flesh, And Wifredo …
In 1987, virtually all contra organizations were united, at least nominally, into the … During their war against the Nicaraguan government, the Contras committed a …. of importing Cuban-style socialism and aiding leftist guerrillas in El Salvador.
/ www.contrapunto.com.sv (accessed 21 July 2009). 22. For description of …
Jóvenes Contra La Violencia / El Salvador, San Salvador. 3107 Me gusta · 90 personas están hablando de esto · 17 personas estuvieron aquí. Twitter: …
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Jump to Contradiction in formal logic – In classical logic, a contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions. It occurs when the propositions, taken together, yield two conclusions which form the logical, usually opposite inversions of each other.
Logical Equivalence, Tautologies, and Contradictions. We have already hinted in the previous section that certain statements are equivalent. For example, we …
How America succeeded with insurgencies in Central America. Author served as Special Ops soldier and later as diplomat. Was liaison officer to the Nicaraguan ..
Images for contra el salvador war
Images for contra el salvador war
Number five –> decimal graphic shape 5 –> S –> System warriors for EARTH’s data generating and message processing systems.
Images for contra el salvador war
Images for adult female logic contradictions …
el salva dor war
el salivia mouth door war on EARTH …..
Mothers and their children song and dance violations of the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty with the Boston HUMAN RACE and the Kenendy’s ……. the treaty of the human dinner table SALT and PEPPER shakers with human life forms that Bull-shit and bragg too much
about BEDROOM productivity for the Federal government and its Carl Jung citizen collective GROUP MIND policy
….. .that we have brain neuroscience TRICKS AND SCHEMES …… subconsciousness … Department of Labor and Pregnancy
and the BOSTON TRIAL over the population explosion.
Thus ……
BBC NEWS | Americas | Reagan and
Jun 5, 2004 – In El Salvador, guerrilla fighters from the Farabundo Marti Liberation Front … Colonel Oliver North was implicated in the Iran-Contra affair …
Colonel Oliver North –> Northern Hemisphere LOGIC WAR zone
‘I ran (Boston citizen thoughts)
]1. Implication
The statement “p implies q” is also written. “if p then q” or sometimes “q if p.” Statement p is called the premise of the implication and q is called the conclusion .
Sep 4, 2011 – I am trying to understand what “ p implies q ” means. I read that p is a sufficient condition for q , and q is a necessary condition for p . Further …
Universal Mind (UM)
Universal Mind is the universal higher consciousness or source of being in some forms of esoteric or New Thought and spiritual philosophy. It may be …
Implication ……
p → q (p implies q) (if p then q) is the proposition that is false when p is true and q is false and true otherwise. Equivalent to —not p or q“. Ex. If I am elected then I ..
UM + pq –> UMPQUA math logic war zone …. year 2015
The Umpqua Community College shooting took place on October 1, 2015 at the UCC … The mass shooting was the deadliest in Oregon’s modern history.
Donald Trump and
Donald Trump …………
….. consequently the death of the MIT policeman for protecting the bulls-hitter of MIT social sciences and humanities ..penis HEAD thought CRAP
Apr 19, 2013 – MIT Police Officer Sean A. Collier was fatally shot and killed Thursday night.
Collier was shot on Vassar St. in his vehicle near the Stata Center …
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on base 16 hexadecimal April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …
Apr 18, 2007 – Thirty-two victims were killed at Virginia Tech on Monday, April 16. … N.J. She had been in G.V. Loganathan’s advanced hydrology class when …
Key Generation –>
Key West – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Far Horizons – Longboat Key …
Far Horizons was ultramodern Longboat Key By Barry …
Tsarnaev message on Water … boat
Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus VIA messenger RNA VIA humanoid delivery systems …
It is over 14 feet tall …
It is over 14 feet tall …
It is over 14 feet tall …
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt
Dali is buried there in a crypt …………….
It is over 14 feet tall …
It is over 14 feet tall …
It is over 14 feet tall … next integer number …
odd integer 15 —> April 15 (year 2013) messages
for the ODDONE math life form from the Gala …..
Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru
odd integer 15 —> April 15 (year 2013) messages
for the ODDONE math life form from the Gala …..
Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru
Portrait of Galapagos Islands evolution to the extension region of Peru and then to the St.Charles (Darwin) region of FermILAB ….
OIL ON CANVAS, 32X26 CM ..in other Words
Nature’s atomic orbitals on a bio-physics canvasIsaac Newton gravity field city …. New York ..near the Yorktown shopping center in Oak Brook Illinois ,
Modern (atomic bio-physics expresssion ) Arteries Museum in Batavia Illinois
with COMPUTER EARTH content management systems (CMS) ..
Pier 1 Imports: Unique Home Decor, Furniture, Gifts, and More
Pier 1 Imports
481 N Randall Rd, Batavia, IL 60510
Parallel Universes – MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and …
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Is there a copy of you – MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics …
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Is there a copy of you
Pier 1 = One —-> imports from Peru
in Batavia working on the furniture ……math equations and formula are like FURNITURE objects in the SYMBOL WORLD
Furniture –> F + ur + nit + ur +e –> Function (uranium, nitrogen, uranium 92 electrons)Is there a copy of you
Is there a copy of FermiLAB and Wilson HALL ……
Ferguson Missouri with Darren Wilson and the
Brownian Motion particle named –> Michael Brown
Salvador Dali’s “Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the …
Contras – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
El Salvador in the Aftermath of Peace: Crime, Uncertainty, …
Ellen Moodie – 2011 – Political Science
40 grupos armados hay en El Salvador,” ContraPunto (15 December 2008), http:/Jóvenes Contra La Violencia / El Salvador – Facebook
Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Contradiction – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. Logical Equivalence, Tautologies and Contradictions
Contra Cross : Nicaragua, El Salvador, Central America …
Images for contra el salvador war
Images for contra el salvador war
Number five –> decimal graphic shape 5 –> S –> System warriors for EARTH’s data generating and message processing systems.
Images for contra el salvador war
Images for adult female logic contradictions …
el salva dor war
el salivia mouth door war on EARTH …..
Mothers and their children song and dance violations of the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty with the Boston HUMAN RACE and the Kenendy’s ……. the treaty of the human dinner table SALT and PEPPER shakers with human life forms that Bull-shit and bragg too much
about BEDROOM productivity for the Federal government and its Carl Jung citizen collective GROUP MIND policy
….. .that we have brain neuroscience TRICKS AND SCHEMES …… subconsciousness … Department of Labor and Pregnancy
and the BOSTON TRIAL over the population explosion.
Thus ……
BBC NEWS | Americas | Reagan and
the ‘Iran-Contra’ affair
Colonel Oliver North –> Northern Hemisphere LOGIC WAR zone
‘Iran-Contra’ affair
‘I ran (Boston citizen thoughts)
on 2 legs in the
BOSTON Martahon race in year 2013 and then the trial of logic,
omisssion of evidence, contradictions, etc 
]1. Implication
The statement “p implies q” means that if p is …
Northern Illinois University
Problem in understanding p implies q – Math StackExchange
Stack Exchange
proof that p implies q entails not p or q – Math StackExchange
Universal Mind (UM)
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Implication ……
Conditional Statement p → q (p implies q)
(if p …
Rutgers University
UM + pq –> UMPQUA math logic war zone …. year 2015
Umpqua Community College shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
Oregon Shooting at Umpqua College Kills 10, Sheriff Says …
Oct 1, 2015 – Oregon Shooting at Umpqua College Kills 10, Sheriff Says. By DIRK …. By REUTERS on Publish Date October 1, 2015. Photo by Mike …
The New York Times
Donald John Trump is an American real estate developer, television personality, business author, and candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election.
Donald Trump equation
Donald Tru ump
Donald True umpire
Donald Trump equation
Donald Trump and
the BS Republican party …
Bedroom fertility song and dance
Donald Trump …………
…………………umpqua college WAR with the nonsense idiot policy of the Republicans
violate the Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control treaty with Nature’s accounting systems ….. the total/ sum mitochondria (MIT code) human allowed to existence on EARTH –> sum + Mit –> summit treaty
….. Nature’s biochemistry
…. mitochondria cell military ORDERS …. death message to MIT social scince
bull-stories arrogance and superiorty ,
The Tech
Collier was shot on Vassar St. in his vehicle near the Stata Center …
Nature’s advanced COMMUNICATION SYSTEM’s has prepared a SYMBOL WORLD .. graphic arts … diagram of the coffin shape …….
that needs to filled in physical reality … needed for molecular cell biology communications … ….. MIT policeman
that needs to filled in physical reality … needed for molecular cell biology communications … ….. MIT policeman
Above source domain (coffin diagram of mitochondria) mapping to physical reality ..proper noun code –> MIT … and Harvard …. that has neglected the EARTH communications bridge requirement of Cambridge on the EARTH geography surface.
The living language word … Mitochodria —->
subset code MIT –> therefore the shooting site …… to maximize the message content of the tragic signal.
subset code MIT –> therefore the shooting site …… to maximize the message content of the tragic signal.
The living language word … Mitochodria —->
subset code CHO –> therefore the shooting site ….Virginia TECH ….. to maximize the message content of the tragic signal … 2007 message ignored by BOSTON …..
subset code CHO –> therefore the shooting site ….Virginia TECH ….. to maximize the message content of the tragic signal … 2007 message ignored by BOSTON …..
Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boston remembering Virginia Tech’s Shooting Victim codes : NPR
Logan airport Boston – –> Loganathan
SYMBOL MACHINE astrophysics languages from Logan, Utah with Isaac Asimov Boston University ……. FOUNDATION series books and the math and concept equations
the greater Boston region …citizen INTELLECTUAL and COMMUNICATION problems and their social and financial LANGUAGE schemes in the subconscious MIND
Watertown, Mass –> advanced water/hydrology class of Loganathan
April 15,16 year 2013 –> April 15,16 2007 in Virginia TECH
Therefore …. in year 2015 …. one must question BOSTON citizens ….. about the INFORMATION VOIDS in their brains.
Let’s look at another blog that covers more.
Nature’s keywords …
Tsarnaev BOAT and Titanic BOAT
….. reveal BOSTON’s lies
Rd-blog-number-6635 by Herb Zinser reviews the Navy sub-conscious MIND problems in perception of signaling events that occur on the surface of EARTH.
The Office of Naval Intelligence is the nation’s primary source of maritime intelligence. A key; A Navy Sonar Technician performs passive acoustic analysis …
Around year 1600 (Base 16 hexadecimal TIME address space 1600) …. the announcement was made …..
All the world’s a stage,. And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances,. And one man in his time plays many parts,.
Then ..about 200 years later….. Nature’s systems arranged for the COMPUTER EARTH system 360/370 …. SPACE address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ..
Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen. After eight years of construction, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800.
The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. The house was designed by Irish-born James Hoban, …
Thus ..in modern times .. in year 2015 ….. we can look at some recent EVENTs ….. in the context of William Shakespeare’s message from year 1600.
For example …. we have have well-known existential physics problem ………
Aug 14, 2011 – What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast …
Thus we look at levels of existence of earth …..
including thought and perception LEVELS ……….
Thus the Shakespeare idea ….. taught in American high schools ….
All the world’s a stage,.
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,.
And one man in his time plays many parts,.
becomes on September 11, 2001 ….. at another parallel level …
..another parallel dimension ..with its formats ….. applications of Shakespeare.
All the WORLD TRADE CENTER is a Manhattan a stage,.
End explanation
Office of Naval Intelligence
United States Navy
Around year 1600 (Base 16 hexadecimal TIME address space 1600) …. the announcement was made …..
No Fear Shakespeare: As You Like It: Act 2, Scene 7, Page 6
nfs.sparknotes.com › No Fear Shakespeare › As You Like It
Then ..about 200 years later….. Nature’s systems arranged for the COMPUTER EARTH system 360/370 …. SPACE address space of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ..
Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen. After eight years of construction, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800.
White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC …
Thus ..in modern times .. in year 2015 ….. we can look at some recent EVENTs ….. in the context of William Shakespeare’s message from year 1600.
For example …. we have have well-known existential physics problem ………
The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance
Thus we look at levels of existence of earth …..
including thought and perception LEVELS ……….
Thus the Shakespeare idea ….. taught in American high schools ….
No Fear Shakespeare: As You Like It: Act 2, Scene 7, Page 6
nfs.sparknotes.com › No Fear Shakespeare › As You Like It
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,.
And one man in his time plays many parts,.
becomes on September 11, 2001 ….. at another parallel level …
..another parallel dimension ..with its formats ….. applications of Shakespeare.
All the WORLD TRADE CENTER is a Manhattan a stage,.
End explanation
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