Wednesday, October 24, 2018

XXXXX Science 52 - Hawking gran Design ... news clues

words --> the ICE bowl  message --> 

words and numbers --> 1967 --> 1667 

--> coulomb  numbers 19 and 16  

bottom words

--> actual charge Ze contains --> Ze con --> Zeus Project of wis.CON.sin 

words and numbers --> 1967 --> 1667 

--> coulomb  numbers 19 and 16 


 to Highway 16 and Highway 67 .......( 16 + 67 )

... with the

Oconomowoc  gravity field 6.67 


--> Abu     Musab      al-Zar 
--> A  bu   M   usa   bal  -Zar 

--> Abu (atomic bulletin)

--> Abu     Musab      al-Zar 
--> A  bu   M   usa  --> M-theory


--> Abu     Musab      al-Zar 
--> A  bu   M   usa   bal  -Zar 

IBM Bal with ....

OPEN statement - IBM

OPEN statement notes. The successful execution of an OPEN statement determines the availability of the file and results in that file being in open mode. The successful execution of the OPEN statementplaces the file in open status and makes the associated record area available to the program.

OPEN statement - IBM

The OPEN statement initiates the processing of files. ... The phrases INPUT, OUTPUT, I-O, and EXTEND specify the mode to be used for opening the file. At least one of the phrases INPUT, OUTPUT, I-O, or EXTEND must be specified with the OPEN keyword

Iraq News - Top stories from Al Jazeera

Tillerson urges coalition unity in fight against ISIL. Tillerson's comments come during donor conference in Kuwait to support reconstruction and stabilisation efforts in Iraq. Tillerson urges coalition unity in fight against ISIL. 02:36. Opinion 13 February 2018 ...

Iraq News - Top stories from the advanced BRAIN of Al Jazeera

Iraq and the advanced NATION of

.................................uri.NATION people

... and their stream of conscious
and information flow .....
 .........   in the toilet .....
........................toil / work/ effort 
of thinkers and their communities



Iraq self awareness TEST 

No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible ...
Jun 6, 2016 - Recently Stephen Hawking, who has spent his entire career battling a form of Lou Gehrig's disease, wheeled across the stage in Harvard's hoary, wood-paneled Sanders Theater to do battle with the black hole. It is one of the most fearsome demons ever conjured by science, and one partly of his own ...

Black Holes? Stephen Hawking 

Black Holes? Stephen Hawking 

BlackHawk  ..... code  ... below 

Bulls  VS  Blackhawks .... in other words

Bullshit   VS  Black Holes Hawking systems .... in other words

Bullshit   VS  Bla Bla Holes 

Urination | Define Urination at

Uri   nation Tourament
    to pass or discharge urine. Origin of urinate. Medieval Latin. 1590-1600. 1590-1600; < Medieval Latin ūrīnātus, past participle of ūrīnāre, equivalent to Latin ūrīn(a) urine + -ātus -ate1.

    urinations - Wiktionary
    English[edit]. Noun[edit]. urinations. plural of urination. Anagrams[edit]. insinuator, ruinations, sturionian. Retrieved from "". Categories: English non-lemma forms · English noun plural forms. Navigation menu. Personal tools. Not logged in; Talk ...

    Urination | physiology |
      Urination, also called Micturition, the process of excreting urine from the urinary bladder. Nerve centres for the control of urination are located in the spinal cord, the brainstem, and the cerebral cortex (the outer substance of the large upper portion of the brain). Both involuntary and voluntary muscles are involved. Read More ...

      Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle

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