explains key word concepts -->
Nikola Tesla and
Mt. Everest India sikh
Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle
Thus the Polish-American Wojciech ….. a human bio-physics sensor …..picked up on the Nikola Tesla EARTH WARS echo message.
Wojciech – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
equivalent to Czech Vojtěch
equivalent to Czech Vojtěch
….echo –> thus the LINK to the Polish standing vertical human POLE .
.like a telephone communication pole or a vertical anttenna with OUPUT data.
Thus the EARTH geography surface in Czechoslovakia is like a horizontal surface in plane geometry … that surface containing the Nikola Tesla echo vibrations filled with information …… those information vibrations energy THOUGHTS … travel horizontally to Poland …and then try to rise up to a surface level of conscious VIA a vertical standing POLE named Wojciech.
Thus the horizontal component is represented by the EARTH horizontal surface of Czechoslovakia AND the vertical component by standing Pole-American Wojciech Braszczok and his bio-EM components ..the tEMple … brain st.EM.
equivalent to Czech Vojtěch
Thus EARTH LANGUAGE keyword ….
Czechoslovakia ………..algebra subset word….echo –> thus the LINK to the Polish standing vertical human POLE .
.like a telephone communication pole or a vertical anttenna with OUPUT data.
Thus the EARTH geography surface in Czechoslovakia is like a horizontal surface in plane geometry … that surface containing the Nikola Tesla echo vibrations filled with information …… those information vibrations energy THOUGHTS … travel horizontally to Poland …and then try to rise up to a surface level of conscious VIA a vertical standing POLE named Wojciech.
Thus the horizontal component is represented by the EARTH horizontal surface of Czechoslovakia AND the vertical component by standing Pole-American Wojciech Braszczok and his bio-EM components ..the tEMple … brain st.EM.
Wojciech Braszczok had the honor and integrity in his subconscious MIND to protect the primordial mathematical-physics structure of existence..
Wojciech Braszczok orthonormal ….
Wojciech Braszczok…..honor ..of the New YORK City DEEP undercover agent who got screwed by the citizens ..TRAITOR community of New York.
Another policeman has been betrayed .. in the Milwaukee city of schemes and lies
“I will never be the same:” One of two officers shot, wounded …
Oct 6, 2015 – MILWAUKEE — One of two Milwaukee police officers shot and seriously … OfficersBryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch struggle with shooting …
Byran Norberg orthonormal ….
Byran Norberg ….honor..
……………………………norberg and the lies he was TOLD by the Milwaukee collective community ……. by the citizens .. brain thought TRAITORS of the arrogant, myopic community of Milwaukee
The geometry configuration of EM waves is important in existential physics.
Other EARTH surface configurations of horizontal and vertical WAVE signs.
The Sinai geography region …boundaries …..are shaped like the negative half of a large Sin wave
The pyramids represent the positive..vertical component of a type of sin wave.
The pyramids represent the positive..vertical component of a type of sin wave.
Egyptian pyramids – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus the EARTH sand surface ……the sand atoms and their electrons … act as an electron platform …….. thus the SIN WAVES guide out to the sand (in Nature’s version of silicon dioxide technology …. of thousands of years ago)
How sand is transformed into silicon chips | TechRadar
Manufacturing | How a chip is made – Texas Instruments
www.ti.com › … › Company Info › Manufacturing
Texas Instruments
Thus ancient Egypt and Nature’s engineers ..were pioneers in electron expression systems.
Later Nature designed the MOS circuit …… which requires a queue of humans standing in line or kneeling in a line (bio-physics entities a electron representatives).
Thus EARTH systems and the electron SYMBOL MACHINE code –> Mos + queue –> Mosque
Another EARTH surface configurations of horizontal and vertical WAVE signs.
The subcontinent of India …. like the bottom half of a sine wave
Mount Everest – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepal as Sagarmāthā
Nepal as Sagarmāthā
Nepal as Sagar māth --> sugar molecucle mathematics
Nepal as Sagarmāthā
Nepal as Sagarmāthā
Nepal as Sagar māth --> Sagan mathematics --> Carl Sagan book CONTACT
in Tibet as Chomolungma,
in Tibet as Chomolungma,
in Tibet as Cho mo lung ma,
in Tibet as Cho mo lung ma
--> Mr. Cho molecules LUNG manuscript .............
EARTH language at the black farm soil ..of Blacksburg
.......... Virginia TECH
in Tibet as Chomolungma,
in Tibet as Chomolungma,
in Tibet as Cho mo lu ng ma,
in Tibet as Cho mo lu
--> photosynthesis CHO molecule
LU = Logical Unit Nitrogen germination Map
It is located in the Mahalangur mountain range .
It is located in the Maha langu mountain range .
It is located in the Maha language ...... mountain range .
Mount Everest – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mount Everest, also known in Nepal as Sagarmāthā and in Tibet as Chomolungma, is Earth’s highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur mountain range
Mount Everest
Mountain in Asia
Mount Everest, also known in Nepal as Sagarmāthā and in Tibet as Chomolungma, is Earth’s highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur mountain range in Nepal and Tibet. Its peak is 8,848 metres above sea level. Wikipedia
Thus the SOLAR SYSTEM energy that arrived on the Earth was welcomed by the EARTH atoms and the iron core …… the atoms with their captured energy encapsulated withing the atom ..needed an EXTERNAL energy source to waken ….. to create Botany trees and 4-legged animals.
Thus the Solar EM energy …. wave geometry of perpendicular ..caused EARTH to shape its geography surface with similar wave geometry patterns …
as if to send a message back to the SUN (via reflected light) … the message from EARTH acknowledging the EM energy wave and the EARTH’s atoms appreciation of that energy …… to enable life forms to begin.
as if to send a message back to the SUN (via reflected light) … the message from EARTH acknowledging the EM energy wave and the EARTH’s atoms appreciation of that energy …… to enable life forms to begin.
Thus in sense, the SUN energy was like the warmth of a Princess kiss ….. unto the sleeping darkness of Prince EARTH.
The electromagnetic coupling constant conveys a similar existential message …the coupling between SOLAR energy and EARTH atoms …… giving a variety of formats of existence… botany trees, birds, animals, etc
Coupling Constants for the Fundamental For.ces
Georgia State University
The Mysterious World of Fundamental Particles: Cosmic …
Mohit Joshi – 2015
Coupling and Coupling Constants The coupling constant for the electromagnetic interaction is αe = e2/4π = 1/137 and specifies the strength of the interaction …
Let’s return to thevertical expression on the EARTH surface ..being Mount E –> Everest ..
Mount Everest – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mount Everest, also known in Nepal as Sagarmāthā and in Tibet as Chomolungma, is Earth’s highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur mountain range .
Mount Everest
Mountain in Asia
Mount Everest, also known in Nepal as Sagarmāthā and in Tibet as Chomolungma, is Earth’s highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur mountain range in Nepal and Tibet. Its peak is 8,848 metres above sea level. Wikipedia
Elevation: 29,029′
First ascent: May 29, 1953
Prominence: 29,029′
Prominence: 29,029′
Prominence: 29,029′
Prominence: 29,029′
Prominence: 29,029′
Prominence: 29…… 29′
Route 29 murder case still unsolved – WJLA.com
Route 29 murder case still unsolved – WJLA.com
Route 29 murder case still unsolved – WJLA.com

Route 29 murder case still unsolved – WJLA.com
Route 29 Stalker – Unsolved Mysteries Wiki – Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unknown Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For:Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March …
Cold Case? Alicia Showalter Reynolds & the fall and rise of …
May 17, 2007 – This week’s story is mostly about the terrors on Route 29, a series of illicit … in the 1996 disappearance and murder of Alicia Showalter Reynolds. … calls began flooding Virginia State Police headquarters in Culpeper from …
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia …
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Vir
Along Route 29 in Cu = Copper VIR = Ohms Law of resistance in Virginia
Constitution of Virginia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Draft Constitution for Virginia 1776 – Avalon Project
Yale Law School
such as …Jefferson County, Wisconsin and those that live and are serious, concerned thinkers in year 2015.
Along Route 29 in Cu = Copper VIR = Ohms Law of resistance to Bull-shit in the STATE of MIND ….. Virginia
Elevation: 29,029′
First ascent: May 29, 1953
Prominence: 29,029′
in year 2015 … Tenzing Norgay …… equation
Ten + zin + g + nor + gay
–> .Big ten university region of Wisconsin
+ Zinjan skull project of Nature
+ Highway G gravitational constant by Hubble(ton), Wisconsin special astronomy projects
+ gay (happy, gay gravity field life forms that interact with the human body mass giving weight),
Returning to India …..
Sikh – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sikhism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sikh –
Sikh –
Si kh –> sin wave khz ….
thus….. in other words
Sikh – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
several Sikh gurus were killed by the Mughals (MHZ frequency tribe)
several Sikh gurus were killed by the Mughals (MHZ frequency tribe)
several Sikh gurus were killed by the Mughals (MHZ frequency tribe)
Below, the Solar System SUN temple …….
and the wave mechanics message of the water.
Above, photon of white light and energy …
Below, the white clothes messengers with BLUE sky turban on their head
Thus the Sikh –> si+kh –> sin wave khz signal …… LINKs to the geography configuration of horizontal India land and the vertical Mount Everest …..
thus the 2 message formats are correlated ….. by their common concepts.
Keyword –> religion –> constructed by 2 concepts.
light from the SUN
Earth geography region of land/soil for trees/grass
Words ………….. Light + region.
Sun Light enters the Earth region –> region –> re ….gion
Light ..eters –> re ……gion
Light abbreviation –> lig –> enters–> re lig gion
Compress words ..giving …. Nature’s
system expression word –> religion
Home of financial DECISION systems: Neuron - Cell
What Is a Neuron? Building Blocks of the Nervous System
psychology.about.com › ... › Psychology Glossary: N Index
Neurons, Synapses, Action Potentials, and Neurotransmission
Neurons, Synapses, Action Potentials
.. euro dollar ... buying and selling brain THOUGHT cells
Euro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EuroWikipediaJump to Currencies pegged to the euro - [edit]. Main article: International status and usage of the euro. Worldwide use of the euro and the US ...
Symbol: €
ISO 4217 code: EUR (num. 978)
Coins: 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, €1, €2
Euro Currency ...
neuron base with B100D financial notes
..................................100 bank note .. below
Euro Currency | OANDA
www.oanda.com/help/euroOanda CorporationThe Euro is the new 'single currency' of the European Monetary Union, adopted on January 1, 1999 by 11 Member States. Greece became the 12th Member ...
End explanation
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